首页 国家精品课 伊朗情报体系的结构与困境

时间:2022-06-14 08:16:08 阅读: 作者:






    从发展渊源看,伊朗情报体系起源于20世纪中叶美苏冷战之际。当时,巴列维国王统治下的伊朗与美英等西方大国关系较为紧密,在战争阴霾笼罩下进一步促使伊朗现代化意义的情报体系得以产生。195511月,伊朗加入巴格达条约组织之后,美国对伊朗军事援助开始增多,伊朗也成为美国在中东地区的重要地区性盟友。1957年,在美国中央情报局和以色列情报组织摩萨德共同协助下,伊朗成立了本国现代意义上的第一个情报组织——萨瓦克(SAVAK)。该组织主要任务是负责秘密搜集情报并开展反情报工作。20世纪60年代初,萨瓦克工作任务有所调整,重点负责调查伊朗社会内部反政府的政治团体。如图德党(Tudeh Party)和各类“反政府自由派人士”皆在其监控范围之内。20世纪70年代初,萨瓦克组织规模进一步壮大,雇员人数就达到6万余名,其中情报搜集专员人数达到5.5万名。总之,作为捍卫巴列维王朝统治的重要工具,萨瓦克功不可没。



Analysis of Iran’s Intelligence Architecture and Dilemma 

Wang Guobing

(School of International Relations and Center for South Asian Studies, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an 710128; Special Researcher, Iranian Studies Center, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715)

Abstract [ResearchPurpose] Since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran has actively built its own unique intelligence system. Iran’s intelligence structure has a clear framework, with multiple departments coordinating and collecting intelligence. It has also been effective in building counterintelligence system, playing an important role in defending the stability of the regime. Summarizing the methods and paths of building it into a major intelligence country in the Middle East can provide more useful experience for the development of our intelligence career. [Research Method] Starting from the evolution of the development of Iranian intelligence agencies, analyzes its internal structure and characteristics, summarizes the development dilemma of the intelligence system, and explores its solutions. [Research Conclusion]Through long-term construction, Iran has greatly improved the effectiveness of its intelligence organization, continuously optimized its intelligence strength, actively built a benign intelligence culture, and resisted various threats from both internal and external directions. Although there are still many factors restricting its development, Iran has become an intelligence power in the Middle East, and this situation worth learning .

Key wordsIntelligence System; Intelligence System Architecture; Intelligence Organization; Counterintelligence; Iran