National Intelligence, Security Service powers extended
By Aderajew Asfaw
Monday, 01 July 2013 11:32 -
The government has announced plans to transform the National Intelligence and Security
Service (NISS) into an autonomous federal government office.
This is expected to strengthen its ability to act on national security issues and ensure it can
respond to issues today and in the future.
The National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) was established in 1994/95 as the
Security, Immigration and Nationality Affairs Authority. Its name was changed to the NISS in
On Tuesday, the plan to re-establish the NISS was presented to the House of People’s
Three reasons were given: To strengthen the NISS to allow it to protect and defend the
sovereignty of the country, the constitution and constitutional order; to determine the power,
duties and accountability of the NISS to promote peace, development, democracy and good
governance; and build a modern and strong NISS, loyal and resilient to the constitution and
constitutional order of Ethiopia and conscious of national and international interests
The aim of the NISS is to protect national security by providing quality intelligence and reliable
security services. Under the plans presented, it is accountable to the Prime Minister.
The proclamation preventing the establishment of other intelligence and security institutions has
given other powers to the NISS.
The agency has a wide permit to lead intelligence and security work both inside and outside
Ethiopia, formulate national security and intelligence policies and establish and run intelligence
and security training institutions.
Under the new plans, the NISS will also work with foreign intelligence and security organisations
to share intelligence and conduct joint operations.
It will also investigate domestic or foreign threats to the constitution and constitutional order,
threats to economic growth or governance within Ethiopia and collect intelligence.
It will also lead on national counter-terrorism co-operation and co-ordination and represent the
country in international and continental counter-terrorism relations and co-operation.
The service will follow up and investigate terrorism and extremism and collect information.
Its security role includes providing and controlling immigration and nationality services to
Ethiopian and foreigners, studying and submitting to the government service charge rates and
implement same upon approval; providing the necessary service for refugees based on the
Refugee Proclamation and in co-operation with other appropriate organs; leading aviation
security activities, providing aviation security services and coordinating other aviation security
stake holders in accordance with the Ethiopian Aviation Security Proclamation; providing
security protection to the president and prime minister of the country as well as to heads of
states and governments of foreign countries in collaboration with other relevant organs.
Girma Seifu, the only opposition MP, said that NISS employees should be separate from the
civil service, in the interests of professionalism.
He said they should also have different ID cards to distinguish them from support staff. “Other
support staff might use the ID to harass people as they might not have the ethics,” he said.
He cautioned that the new NISS should provide security to society and should not intimidate